Pilot training is a challenging and lengthy endeavor. Due to its physical, mental, and financial demands, the training can become very exhausting. Fortunately for Beatrice "Bea" Reyes, an OMNI pilot trainee, she has a supporter who lifts her up and helps her soar through the tough challenges she may encounter. This unwavering source of support is none other than her mother, Ms. Geraldine Reyes, who serves as the wind beneath Bea's wings.
She supports her daughter by taking an interest in her flight lessons and progress. As a former cabin crew professional, Ms. Geraldine shares the same interest in aircraft procedures, which helps her bond with her daughter. She firmly believes that investing in Bea's goals and success is a great emotional support for her. She showers her daughter with a lot of moral support and encouragement to help her conquer obstacles that may hinder her.

"Raising a future pilot may come with unique challenges that other parents may not face," she says. Ensuring that Bea is safe at all times, especially while flying, is one of her primary concerns.
"It is understandable that you may worry about your child's well-being which is why enrolling your child in a good school is a big factor in ensuring proper training," she shares. Likewise, OMNI Aviation puts emphasis on the safety and well-being of each trainee inside the flight school to assure every parent and guardian of their children's welfare.
Ms. Geraldine also highlights the significant financial resources required to support Bea's aviation dreams. However, she is more than ready to provide any assistance and guidance her daughter needs to achieve her dreams, no matter what it takes.
To her daughter Bea, Ms. Geraldine imparts this message: "Since the day you stepped in at OMNI Aviation, with all the tears and happiness in your eyes, I clearly remember you telling me that this is what you want. This is [your] future life (the life of a pilot) and that you do not see yourself anywhere else because this is where you belong. Whether you need emotional support, guidance, or practical resources, I am always ready to help you in any way I can. I love you, my future Captain Bea!"

She commends her fellow mothers who are raising future pilots, acknowledging that it takes a lot of understanding, patience, resources, and dedication to nurture children's passions. She urges them to continue to be there for their children every step of the way and celebrate their successes.
Finally, Ms. Geraldine calls on mothers who have kids who want to pursue a career in aviation to support and encourage them to follow their passion. "The aviation industry needs more talented and dedicated pilots, and your child could be one of them. Be proud of their ambition and help them in any way you can. Thank you for your unwavering love, support, and encouragement. You are doing an incredible job, and your child is blessed to have you around."
OMNI Aviation honors and salutes all mothers who work tirelessly to encourage and raise the next generation of pilots and aviation professionals. Happy Mother's Day!