Certified safe and proud with a 100% passing rate in the DGR Exam - Category 6 - the recently concluded batch for IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Training completed their 5-day training with IATA Certified Instructor Melvine Jones Rosete.

As a “2019 IATA Top Performing Training Center”, OMNI provided DGR course materials and trained 12 participants from Philippine State College of Aeronautics and Metrojet Engineering (Clark) Ltd. from 30 May to 3 June 2022. As OMNI still accommodates a hybrid setting for classes, one participant joined training online with the rest of the participants in Room 100.

Throughout the 5 days, they were able to study (1) the current IATA DGR manual; (2) responsibilities of operator and shipper; (3) limitations of excepted, limited quantities, state and operators’ variations; (4) classification and identification; (5) packaging, marking, and labeling requirements (6) shipment of radioactive materials; (7) loading, storage and inspection and emergency procedures, and; (8) air waybill, Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods, and Notification to Captain.

By the end of training, an IATA Certificate of Completion is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 80% or higher on all exercises and exams. Furthermore, a special distinction is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 90% or higher.

As the program came to a close, OMNI is proud to announce the results of their DGR exam on the 6th of June 2022 as all of the participants have successfully passed high and proud.